miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

Languages ​​and TIC, a perfect combination

 Languages ​​and TIC, a perfect combination

Learning languages ​​can be much easier if we use the new technologies. We now have at our disposal a wealth of tools and applications that we can be helpful for learning.

For example, to learn English we can use uSpeak, a free application that will help us learn while utilizing the game. Using different sets of words, the order of the letters, etc.. we can learn a lot about the language and also help us to improve the ability to think in English and improve our vocabulary.

On the other hand we have bussuu platform, a platform that helps improve a language from beginner levels to advanced levels. With this tool we can access over 3000 words and expressions, photographic material, activities, etc.. Furthermore, we can find lesson plans in many languages​​, exercises.

In addition, for intermediate levels can have a tool developed by The New York Times: Learn Inglés With The New York Times. With this tool you can hear the complete recording of a text, do different activities for their understanding, learn vocabulary, etc..

In other languages ​​can also find helpful tools such as French Verbs HD, an application for learning this language and that is mainly aimed at teaching verb conjugations. This tool helps improve correct pronunciation of verb forms with the use of animations, etc..

1 comentario:

  1. hola, como sugerencia, cuando ubicas un programa como referencia seria bueno que pusieras el enlace (link) de descarga, y una breve descripción, por ejemplo el uspeak es solo para smartphones, y cositas asi.
